Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Drinking away 2008

It's almost the end of 2008 and the start of a New Year 2009/ I am happy this year is almost to a end and that means it's a fresh new start of a new year and for me that means a lot of small little changes. this year I do not want to spend it alone so my plan is to spend it with Tom and get drunk and drink away 2008. If Tom bails out on me one more time. I promise that I will end my friendship with him. He let me down too many times. If he bails again I will go to the casino with my parents.

A lot has happened this year with divorce and death. Donna got a divorce and my grandma and my moms friend Barbra passed away. I am hoping that this coming new year will give me a lot of happiness and good changes in my life.

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Dreams

2 nights ago I had a dram about Lindsey Lohan don't ask me I don't know why and then Last night I had a dream another dream about my grandma. She was at her old home and she was in the backyard pulling out flowers. She love her garden. Another part of my dream after that I was looking at a book it was about beers around the world and who wrote it was Rachael Ray, she was walking around signing the books. She would never write a book about beer cause she is a cook. Maybe I had that dream cause I am in the process of writing one.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Why Wait Until New Years?

Why do so many people wait until New Years to start getting healthy. It' s a New Years Resolution that a lot of people don't stick to all year. After so many days or months they give up. In my case that was me a few New Years ago. Until I heard that why not start now rather than to wait until the start of the new year to start eating healthy. You'll just gonna gain a lot more weight and it's gonna be harder for you to lose it. That is how I see it.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

There is hope

Last night I was talking to Tom and he told me that some people want him to become a Deacon instead of a priest so he can get married and have a family. He told them maybe well see. He told me in the beginning of the year that he changed him mind about getting married and wanting kids. He saw the look on his nephew face and how much joy it gave him.

He also told me that he needs to get all the time with me before I go to school. He told me is he is gonna miss me but I will be coming back a few weekends and a week during the month of April.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Was it or Wasn't it - I am not sure

I was taking to Tom today and at the end of conversation I thought he said I love you but I could be mistaken. Since I an 50/50% sure he likes me. Also 50/50% sure that he will be serious about the priesthood but I will have to see about that.

There are a lot of signs that are already there and I am not gonna forget about those. He said that he was not going to take classes next semester but he was gonna wait until that following semester and then live at the seminary. I will have to wait and see what he decided cause we were talking about his grandfathers house since his sister is going to be getting it temporary until she can find something else for her and her son since she recently got divorced anyways he said if the priesthood doesn't work out then he is getting that house. That gives me 50% hope but I will support him either way cause I love him as a friend and I am also falling in love with him.

I am waiting for that day when he finally tells me he likes me but right now all I can do it think about him and wait cause good things come to those who wait.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

My dream

I had a dream last night that I had a baby with a old friend of mine that I haven't seen in many years. It was a baby girl but I don't know what I named it. Here is what it says about having a dream about a baby........To see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Praying for a better future

Horoscope for December 2, 2008
Try, try again today, Kristine. It can feel so terrible to 'fail' at something that you just want to hide your head in the sand rather than face potential loss again. Yet, if succeeding is important enough for you, you need to overcome embarrassment and fear. Most people have to try more than once to succeed - especially in the most important of goals. Don't give up on yourself. Your goals are worthy of as much effort as it takes.
I am in the process of getting back to exercising again and I will be training for a 5K race. I don't know when and where that is gonna be. I don't want to rush it and I am taking my time to get back in to a routine that I can stick to that will help me succeed. After I do that 5K I will start training for a half marathon.

I want running to be a part of my life and do it on a regular basics. A new life for me. To become healthy and fit. I am hoping a praying that 2009 will bring me that and a better year.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Why I want to Join the Team in Training Team?

I want to be able to raise money and help find a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and Myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Also I had a family member who had Hodgkin's disease and she is a survivor of 10 years and counting.

Not only will it help me find a cure but it is good for my health and I’ll be able to meet new people and experience a whole new world.

I plan to start jogging first then start training for a 5K run somewhere close to me and then I plan a taking on and training for a half marathon. Then I want to run my first marathon. I never thought I would want to do this but it’s a big change for me and I have to work up to it.