Saturday, July 30, 2011

3 days in a Row

I am going on my 3rd day of seeing Tom. He stayed last night till 4:00 in the morning. We didn't do anything but watch TV. I feel better things are soon to come. I can't wait till that day until he kisses me. I wish that something would of happened last night but good things come to those who wait. Well I am sick and tired of waiting but I will wait until the time is right.

When he asked me to give him a kiss I didn't know if he was serious or joking. With him I never know if he is playing around or if he isn't.

Right now I'm at his house waiting for him to get ready. I can't wait till I see if anything will happen tonight.

~Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone~

Sunday, July 03, 2011


I have been thinking about what I am going to say to my mom when it does come the time when do tell her my plans of owning a business. If she says to me why didn't I tell her will simply it's because you never supported me in the past and you were always negative and told me that I wasn't serious. So that is why I kept it to myself and only told a couple people. I am not a child anymore and I am doing what it takes to help myself get to where I want to go. If you support me now that is good and if you don't I found the support I need to help me. By not telling you my plans I wanted to block the negative words that would keep me down. I have done all my research and done all I can to get me started. I want you to know that I am serious about this and it's not just a thought or an idea and I wasn't gonna act on. I know in the past that that has happened but I am a lot older and not that dreamer.

If I want things done I have to do it myself.This is what I am standing by and I prefer it cause it's gonna make me feel better and it's gonna make me feel a lot happier. I am taking matters in my own hands. I gotta watch people and see who I can tell things too and those people who are the ones I can trust to help support me.