Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Countdown : 6 days to go

I can't believe it that i have 6 more days to go until leave for MCTI. I am a little excited. I know that by going I will have a happier life. I just want to start so I can get finished and start looking for a job and start living my life. When Tuesday come I will be counting down to days till I graduate.

Yesterday I was talking to my mom on the phone while she was at work. I was telling her that once I get a job I will be saving for a car. She then is always negative and says that why don't you wait until we get a another car and we will give you the Mercury Sable and you can pay the insurance on that. I want my own car that I can pick out and my mom won't have any say so. I am 30 years old and my mom it still over protected of me. What I am trying to do is make my own decisions but have all this negative energy coming at me.

I can't wait till I have my life under my control with out my mom and dad having any say so.

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