Sunday, July 19, 2009

A lot of thinking and writing to do.

I have been praying for Tom to get into the Seminary. I hope he gets accepted. He pissed me off today. I can't ever have a decent conversation with him. He is also getting on my nerves. I don't know what is it but lately when ever I hang out with him he pisses me off.

Well enough about him. I went to Aidan's (Jenny's Daughter) Birthday. It was fun. Good food and chat. I think Sara might be pregnant. She is a week and a half late on her monthly friend and she has been craving sweets. I am hoping she is. She has waited a long time to have one and it is about time she has a little one in her life.

When I am at the airport I will be doing a lot of thinking and writing in my Journal. I need to figure out what I really want in my life. When I am in California in a couple days I will see if I am really meant to start my new life there.

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