Sunday, January 29, 2012

Finally start to see the light.

By living by others will make your live miserable. I know this by experience. I have been waiting to see if Tom would really tell me he likes me. I know that isn't gonna happen cause it would of happened by now and all it was doing was making me miserable and setting my life back and it kept me from doing what I really wanted and that is moving to California. That is what I want out of my life. For once I'm happy and I have made up my mind and in the end it's what I want.

In the past I also was trying to make others happy and that was getting my life no where. So I found out it that in order to live my life the way I want it I have to stop pleasing others and start pleasing myself. I have to start being selfish for once really start making my own decisions.

I've been obsessed with anything California. I've been California Dreamin ever since I have made up my mind on what I want to do that will make me happy and that is living my life for me and not for anyone else. I have truly happiness deep inside me and I am loving it!

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