Monday, February 13, 2012

California or Bust!!!!

I've been reading many useful articles about making the move to California. My first idea was to get a job here in MI and save up for a couple years and start looking for a job in the meantime then still working at my current job.

Then today another idea sparked and I was thinking maybe I should just quit my job and move out there with minimum things and continue to look for a job since it's a lot easier to get a job in a state where you are currently live. I'm willing to do that in hopes of finding a job with in months of my move.

I hope I can save enough to live off of until I am able to get a job and also I hope the job market will be better by the time I want to move.

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Monday, February 06, 2012

Small Changes are happening

I actually wanted to go workout today. It felt good. I was reading something I had written down years ago on healthy tips. It said that exercise can help you clear your mind well that is a plus for me cause I am thinking clearer.

I got a lot of stuff done and organized that weren't really important it was just stuff that I have been putting off and wanted to do and that I still have a lot more to do. I feel accomplished the more I get done the better.

It feels good to start seeing changes even though their little it will bring big changes in the future.

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Saturday, February 04, 2012

Feelings are getting in the way

Deep down inside I want to do what want to do. I feel that my feelings for Tom are getting in the way of me changing my mind of moving to California.

When those feelings get in the way I remind myself about what he had said in the past.

I also keep reminding myself about all of the things that bother me about him. There are a lot but here a few.....
1. Selfish
2. Rude
3. Doesn't know what he wants

It pisses me off when he does the things he does. I'm not happy with our friendship.

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Friday, February 03, 2012

Going after what I want

I just spent some time with Tom. I can't deny the fact that I still like him and have feelings for him. When I am with him he kinda flirts with me. I can't do this anymore. Every time I push back it seems that he is doing to opposite.

I just gotta keep my mind focused and go after what I really want.

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