Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Good News

Well I can't believe that I leave tomorrow and I am almost packed and ready to leave. I happy and excited that I am going. I haven't been to California in a year and I haven't seen Angie and Tricia in a while an not to mention Lola. I miss seeing her anf playing arond with her.

Then Tom called me and told me some good news. He got in the Seminary. I have been praying for him and I hope he sticks with this and this is his calling. With all that aside I can forget about him and I hooking up. I will be looking for love in California so that I have a better chance of moving there.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Weigh in Day

Today is my weigh in and I saw a good number. 256. Yes I am excited. I used to be 263 and now I am 256. I am amazed that I am back in the 250's again. Then I am in a competition with my mom to see who can lose the most weight by the end of August. If I win the I get a new pair of nice shows. I need them. I go to Payless cause they have the size that I am. It's hard to find nice shows when you have wide width feet. I hope my feet slim down when I lose weight but I will see. I would love to buy a pair of really sexy pair of stilettos when I am at my goal weight of 130.

I leave for California in 2 days and I am excited. I am hoping I don't gain anything when I am there. I am also going to Vegas for 3 days so it will be a lot of eating and drinking. This is gonna be hard be I will see if I can get through it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A lot of thinking and writing to do.

I have been praying for Tom to get into the Seminary. I hope he gets accepted. He pissed me off today. I can't ever have a decent conversation with him. He is also getting on my nerves. I don't know what is it but lately when ever I hang out with him he pisses me off.

Well enough about him. I went to Aidan's (Jenny's Daughter) Birthday. It was fun. Good food and chat. I think Sara might be pregnant. She is a week and a half late on her monthly friend and she has been craving sweets. I am hoping she is. She has waited a long time to have one and it is about time she has a little one in her life.

When I am at the airport I will be doing a lot of thinking and writing in my Journal. I need to figure out what I really want in my life. When I am in California in a couple days I will see if I am really meant to start my new life there.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Why can't I lose this weight and become thin and healthy

Why can't I lose this weight and become thin and healthy?

I don't know. I have been thinking about this dn I think all these people around me are losing, why can't I. What is it that they have that I don't. I am asking myself am I meant to be like this, overweight and unhealthy. Will I ever see my goal weight when all I can see is myself getting farther and farther from it. I am just so frustrated and pissed at myself for being like this.

Weight Loss Challenge Part 2

After this weekend I will have 2 days until I leave for Cali. Maybe I can start eating healthy when I am there but there a lot of good restaurants there. Also in Vegas. I'll have to make sure that I get in some exercise when I am there.

When I look in to the mirror I hate what I see and also when I look at myself in pictures I am ashamed of myself that I let myself get this way. No one can do this for me but myself.

My next weigh in this this Monday and I will see how I did.

Recipe: Fried Apples

When I was little my grandma used to make fried apples. It was really good. It was really simple to make. I think this is the recope but I will ask around and see who knows the exact recipe.

~ 8 medium apples - Core the apple then slice it.
~ Butter

1 1/2 c. milk
1 c. flour
Pinch of salt
1 egg
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp. melted butter

Sift the flour with the salt into a bowl. Make a well in the center and add the egg and egg yolk. Pour in the milk slowly, stirring constantly and, when half is added, stir in the melted butter. Beat well until smooth. Add the remaining milk, cover and let stand at room temperature for at least 30 minutes before using. The batter should be the consistency of light cream.

Dip the apple into the batter and place it in the pan and fry it until it is golden brown.

Weight Loss Challenge

Weight Loss takes a lot of time,determination, and focus. Along with that comes willpower.

What is wrong with me. I have gone up and down in weight and I have failed. I know it's easy when I don't try to stick to a program. It pisses me off that I used to stick to a program and never really gone the full way. If other people people can do it why can't I. I gotta figure out what I need to do so that I can stick to a healthy program. Maybe I need to learn how to eat healthy and get rid of my unhealthy ways. I gotta take it one step at a time and since I have school done with I can focus on this and learn healthy habits and start living a new life.

Friday, July 17, 2009

New Career to think about

Well I was thinking about what I enjoy doing. Well I love to write reviews for Restaurants, Reception Venues, etc....

I also want to write books on different subjects. Maybe I can write a book about my reviews. If I don't want to be in the Housekeeping/Custodial field. I need to find a career that I am good at and enjoy. Cleaning is ok but I need something that will make me happy.

W.K. Kellogg Manson

This is the W.K. Kellogg Manson. If you ever in western Michigan. I would recommend that you check it out and go for a free tour. The best time to go is in the summer. Check out the mansion grounds it is breath taking. Also check out the website. I provided a link in the heading.

Cali on my mind - 3 more days.

I have been giving a lot of thought about if I want to start my own business. I want to move to California and that is what I want the most is to move out there. Owning a business takes a lot of time and a lot of money. Now that I graduated and I have a trade I can get a really good job in and make good money. Then I am having second thoughts about that. The reason I took that is that it was a trade I was semi interested in I could get into and it was only 2 terms (6 months).

This day is almost over and I am gonna say that I only have 3 more days until I leave and I can't wait till I can leave all this behind for a week and focus on me and having fun. I will be posting pics when I get back. But what ever goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas. This time I will be legal and ready to party.

California to Vegas

In 4 days I will be heading to California. I will be in California for 4 days. Then both of my sisters, my cousin Donna, sisters friends Jamie and Jennifer and I are spending 3 days in Vegas at the Planet Hollywood Hotel and Casino in the panorama suite. We are going clubbing at Planet Hollywood's night club at Prive. My sister said that her friend is friends with the manger we runs Prive. So we might be getting VIP service. I will be so stoked of that is what we will have. Who knows what Vegas has in store for me. I also want to eat at the Bellagio Buffet. I heard that its one of the best Buffets ever.

This will be a very busy week and a fun one to boot. The reason why I wanted to go to Vegas is to Celebrate my 30th. Since I spent my 30th at school I wanted to start off my my new age in Vegas where I can enjoy myself and have fun.

Oh California!!!

Horoscope for July 17, 2009
Your physical energy and enthusiasm are elevated as you approach yet a higher level of your material accomplishments. This could inspire you to channel most of your energy into more work - and to climb yet higher, Kristine. You might even be thinking in terms of expanding all your horizons - professional, intellectual, spiritual. Travel could also be in the offing. Consider all your options carefully. There might be too many choices to make an easy decision.
I can't believe that I am finally a graduate form MCTI and I am done. I don't have to go back there but I do miss seeing the people. 6 months of hard work. I hope I can get a good full time job with good benefits and good pay. That is my #1 goal. While I am looking for that job I have to focus on my health. For once I gotta focus on me. Making me happy and establishing a life for myself.

What I want form my life is to become successful at what ever I am meant to do. Also to move out to California. That is a major step I am working on.

Friday, July 10, 2009

It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday

How do I say goodbye to what we hadThe good times that made us laughOutweigh the bad.I thought we'd get to see foreverBut forever's gone awayIt's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.I don't know where this roadIs going to leadAll I know is where we've beenAnd what we've been through.If we get to see tomorrowI hope it's worth all the waitIt's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.And I'll take with me the memoriesTo be my sunshine after the rainIt's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.And I'll take with me the memoriesTo be my sunshine after the rainIt's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday

Time to say Good-Bye

I know I have been lagging on my blogging. I have been busy with school and not I am done I have a lot more time to blog. I Graduate tomorrow and I am both happy and sad at the same time. I will miss everyone here but I am happy that I will be happy to go home for good and get ready for my trip to Cali/Vegas.

I will keep in touch with some of the friends that I have made here. The only thing I won't miss is the food, knock at the door of the bathroom and waiting for someone to get out so I can use it.

Like boys to men said in their song which was my class song in 1998. It's so hard ot say good-bye to yesterday.