Monday, September 03, 2012

One more time

I have been thinking about moving to California again. It sounds like a good idea and every time I think about anything that deals with Cali I get happy tears in my eyes. But what is holding me back is of course you know who. TOM. Why I don't know.

He was me kiss me and I want to kiss him but there is something that is stopping me. I think that it's the fact that I need him to confirm his feelings for me and that friendship part is still there and I don't know if he's serious or kidding around just to see what I would say. We need to be on the right page if we are going to take it to the next level.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Too many emotions

There are many emotions running through my head.

To start today Tom and I spent the day together and what really got to me was when he dropped me off and this is how the night ended:

Tom: If you give me a kiss I'll walk you to the door

Me: I'm not giving you a kiss

Tom: Then I'm not walking you to the door.

What does it mean. I don't know it gets me confused. That caught my by suprise.

Then work is so overwhelming. I'm trying to get a failing business back on its feet. But it's too much for me.

I care more then the owners do. I give my advice and they don't take it. I wanna look for another job. I like the fact that I have my nights and weekends off.