Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Better Life

As time goes by my weight loss of getting better and I lost another pound since June 10th. I weighted myself and I am now back to 250 lbs. So I am really excited to see the scale go down. Even though my weigh in isn't until tomorrow I weighted myself this morning and I can see my final goal get little closer. I am still trying to decide if I should go with Arising Images or The Shooting Gallery. They are both great photographers and I know I still have time to think about it but who ever I will pick will do a awesome job. I always read their blogs to keep up to date on what's new. I enjoy looking at their photographs and when I get married I will maybe have one of them be my photographer.

Anyways, I might be going back to school at Michigan Career Technical Institutes (MCTI). That school is a special trade school of people with learning disabilities (like myself). I can learn a trade that will help me get a job easier and my life better. I might wait until the winter term cause I want to go to California to visit my sisters and also I haven't been there since 2004. So I am do for a visit. This isn't something I want to do but It's a start to a better life.

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