Monday, November 17, 2008

McCain and Obama : Hope for our future

I saw this article on yahoo and I thought it was interising and it gave me a sense of hope and relief for my and every Americans future. Here is the Article if you want to read it.

Obama and McCain say they'll work together.

I am hoping that The Republications and the Democrats can work together to fix the problems in our country. It will bring me such relief to know that America can be where it was before the economy was good and people weren't losing their jobs.

A good thing that is happening now is that the gas prices are below $2.00 and I haven't seen it this low since this is a long time. People are losing their home cause they can't afford them weather they lost their job or aren't getting paid enough to afford all the things they need in her life. More jobs need to be made and the jobs that are lost need to come back. We as Americans need to work together to help our county in being the way it was in the past.

I know a lot of people who are leaving the state of Michigan to move else such as California and if I can get a job there I will be leaving as soon as I can. A one way ticket from Detroit to Los Angeles or as I would say Michigan to California.

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