Sunday, March 25, 2012

It's Back

Yes I am in that feeling again. It never left it only hid from my heart. I'm in love again.

I was hanging with Tom today and he was making me laugh as usual but it's what he had said got me thinking. He said if I was you're husband & you were my wife. He has never said that to me before. It got me thinking.

He still rubs my leg and plays footsie with me. We both need a serious talk about our feelings and see where we both want to go. If our feelings are mutual and if we want to go to that next step. I know for me is that I need to know his feels and making sure they are the same as mine then I'm ready to take that next step. It's killing me inside to hide these feelings and not know how he really feels.

~Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone~

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