Saturday, December 22, 2007

3 more days

Well it's 3 more days until Christmas and I have been spending my time with my family. This year has been crazy but I am glad it's almost over and a new year will began and I can start it fresh and new. I have a lot of things to focus on. Such as a job and weight loss and getting myself healthy.

Today we are going to the mall and then after we are going to see my grandma and after that we are going to see to visit my aunt and uncle.

I think we are going to my aunt and uncles house for Christmas Eve and then we are having Christmas here. I love this time of year cause it gives me a chance to spend time with my family.

I have a lot going on in 2008. I have my 10 year high school reunion (if we are having one). Then I am planning on going to California in the fall.

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