Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010 Outlook

It's almost New Years Eve and almost time for 2009 to come to an end.

I have a lot to work an in 2010. Since it's a start of a new dedicade I need to start changing my bad habits. I am gonna focus on them one atva time so that I am able to see my problems and work on it.

I am also gonna try to find a full time temporary job so that I am able to establish myself by saving money to buy a car and move out on my own.

Weightloss is also a big focus for me. I am going to try to keep a food log to track my calories. So I don't go over a certain amout. I made a goal to go to the gym twice a week and workout the rest of the week at home. I have to make the anichitive to stick to my workout plan Jenny made for me. And stick to my goals.

~Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone~

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