Sunday, April 26, 2009

Beauty Pagent Dream

Your horoscope for April 26, 2009

Today is a fantastic day for you, Kristine, so enjoy yourself fully. Your emotions will be stable and you will find that you have a very expansive sense of well-being. Your self-confidence is strong and you should use this to your advantage. This energy may be subtle, but if you tune in to it early in the day and set a plan for what you want to get accomplished, you will find that you can be very productive.

I had woken up at 5:30 am for some reason then after I watch some TV and then went back to sleep again. I had a weird dream. I was in a Miss Michigan Beauty Pagent. At first I was getting rady and I had told some guy that I was worried about how I looked. I was over weight and concerd what everyone might think. Then when I was up on stage I actually saw myself getting called down to be part of the lucky 15. I never finished my dream so I will never know how l did.

Here is what the dream meant: To watch or dream that you are in a beauty pageant, refers to your own insecurities about your appearances. You are constantly comparing yourself to others and how you measure up to them. You may also be subscribing to society's standards of beauty.

This is so true. I am concerend about my weight. I have having a hard time losing weight but right now I am so focused on school cause that is the most important thing I need to focus on. First is my career and then weight loss.

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