Sunday, September 06, 2009

My Journey to my first Marathon

You gotta learn to walk before you can run. Meaning that I have to start small by walking to build my endurance so that I am able to jog and then being able to run for a long period of time. This isn't a new goal of mine. I want to start to run a 5k then step it up to a half Marathon and run a full marathon. It's going to take a lot of hard work but I have to focus and put my mind to it.

Well this coming week is my first week of starting a new routine and my plan for this week is to start off walking for 15 minutes on Monday then on Tuesday rest/weights,Wednesday is 3o minutes, Thursday rest/weights, Friday 30 minutes, Saturday and Sunday is rest/weights. This is a simple plan that will get me started

Along with walking I have to start eating healthy.I am trying to find a way to start but every time I do I fail. So my bad habits of being lazy and not exercising and horrible eating habits are hard to break. I gotta find a way of fixing these and not having them come back again in while I know they will.

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