Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Trying to figure it out

In my heart and deep down I know what the answer to my question is about Tom. Well tonight he called, I answered and I said hello and he said hi baby baby cakes. My feelings for him are getting stronger and I feel he may be the one but right now wants to be a priest. I pray to ask for a sign to have him out of my mid so that I can stop thinking about him. But by the sound of how he is with me is that he won't survive the seminary. He still does things that if he wasn't in the Seminary.

Let's say if this doesn't work out for him and we were a couple I can see myself marring him. My feelings are even stronger knowing I don't know what is gonna happen in the future. I am still confused and trying to figure it out. How can I not if keeps on giving me these signs that he likes me. When he is still wanting to become a priest.

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