Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Time for a change

Since I got back from my trip to California. I can't think how many times I go and visit California and every time I hate to leave and can't wait to go back again. Since 2002 I have been wanting ot move out to California. I know it costs a lot of money to live there but I know what I have to do to move out there. Save a lot of money, by a lot I mean I need to make enough money to help support myself. By paying my rent,bills such as my car, grocery, and the things I need for my apartment.

When I am in California I feel so much happier. I can see myself living there and dealing with the crazy traffic. I have never drove in it but I have been in it with my sister, so I know how bad it can be during rush hour. I know I have all my family and friends here but it's time for a change and for me to get a fresh start in my life. As soon as a get a full-time job I will be saving up for a car and then after I get a car I am saving to move out of my parents house. That is what I can not wait for. I need freedom from them. To live on my own will be a BIG change for me and it's a first time experience and everyone goes though it and I am hoping that I can do it. I am also hoping then when I do move out it will be to California.

I did look at some apartments and I am liking the one that my sisters live in. It's close to the 101 freeway and close to LA and many things to do and see.

What I love about California is........I love the weather and there are so many places to go and see. My different kinds of restaurants to eat at and not to mention the experience to live in California is so different Michigan. Plus I am hoping I can be lucky and find a good job out there making a lot of money so I can be able to support myself.

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